Sound Resort Studios is a full service recording facility located within in the heart of Atlanta, GA.
Built on a foundation of faith, commitment to quality & optimum customer service Sound Resort Studios is a serene and secluded island in the "sea" of recording studios.
SRS is on the cutting edge, re-introducing the world to music that is clean, captivating and inspiring. With the needs of today’s “Independent Artist” in mind, the SRS staff attentively supports true artistry in an environment that encourages creativity & ingenuity setting the stage for patrons to simply…
“Relax & Record”

MEET THE man behind the music

Dwayne “D.K.” Kelly
Owner\Chief Engineer\Producer
Man Behind The Music Dwayne “DK” Kelly’s love for music began in the 6th grade when he was asked to be in the band. When he played his first instrument, the trombone, he knew that music was the thing for him to do. “DK” has been making music for over 15 years now. Being a producer, engineer, songwriter, and recording artist are all labels he wears proudly… being a “Quadruple Threat” requires patience, dedication, and focus. Making music has taught him that every challenge is an opportunity to learn something new or add a fresh perspective to the creative process. His musical projects are a direct connection to his world, how he sees things, and what life is to him.
While he embraces all of the gifts and talents that God has given him, he knows he has a “knack” for music production. The type of music that inspires him is smooth jazz and oldies. He says that, “It has so much more meaning and substance than music done today”. The one rapper that had an impact on him was Tupac, “He was one of the best rappers because he could get on anybody’s level and talk about any subject in lyrical form”. The group that influence him most is, Outkast, because of their creativity and diverse style in music. The producer that intrigues him is, Timberland. He has a style that is so unique and can produce music for almost any genre of music.
DK has been involved with music groups such as G.S.C. and Exzile Records at Georgia Southern University, IceBoxx Entertainment, and The Officials in Atlanta, GA. As an artist he has performed for the YMCA, the Power Fest in Augusta, GA, the Red Light Café, Paine College, Porter Sanford III Performing Arts Center in Atlanta, GA, and the Atrium in Atlanta, GA. He has been a judge at various talent shows including, ATL All Stars showcase in College Park, GA. DK has also recorded voice-overs for the independent film, Tempting Fate. The voice-overs were recorded from English to the Yoruba language (Nigerian) at Sound Resort Studios.
He has been fortunate to work with some outstanding professionals and some pretty inspiring talent. Through his music he wants to bring people hope, inspiration, motivation, and love.